Monday, November 19, 2012

Mason Jars Galore...

I'm so glad Pinterest is around to help me plan my wedding! Oh the ideas! My recent love is mason jars - all shapes, all sizes - I'm not biased. I don't think I would put names on the tags, but maybe write a cute saying like this...

Then I would add an additional matching tag they can write their name on or something similar. 

I just purchased a bountiful supply of mason jars from regular price $9.99 on sale for $8.99, then I used a promo code: KMART10PSAVINGS that I found on and saved 10% PLUS FREE SHIPPING! A killer deal which scored me over 100 mason jars for $72 (which included tax!) Once it was all said and done I paid roughly $0.67 a mason jar! You can't find those savings at the dollar store! :P

I may be on mason jar overload, but I am loving every minute! 
If you have any cute ideas let me know!